Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wash Day

Today is Wednesday, and as such, is my laundry day. I don't  particularly enjoy doing the laundry, but it's not really that hard. Tad carries the basket of clothes to the laundry room before he leaves for work. I have everything close to hand--
An electric, 12 cycle washer, electric 5 cycle tumble dryer, 3 types of laundry detergent, powdered bleach, liquid bleach, fabric softener and stain remover, as well as a clothes rack, a hanging bar and a clothesline to hang things I don't like to put into the dryer. I've been having Hailey do her own laundry for the last year or so, so when I do laundry, it's just for Tad and myself, which usually amounts to 3 loads--whites, colors and jeans. It really isn't that hard to go downstairs, open the washer, put in the laundry additives particular to that load, add the clothes, push the correct button and close the lid. It's not that hard to open the dryer, toss in the clean, wet things, turn a knob and push another button. These machines do all of the hard, heavy work. I just have to load, unload and put away.

Really not hard at all. It's not back breaking, time consuming, hot, heavy work. Not like this.

This is my great grandmother, Emma Edna Croft Freeman. She's my maternal great. I'm not sure exactly how old she is in this picture, but I'm guessing it was taken sometime between 1915 and 1920. Isn't she cute? Note the piles of clothes on the ground next to her feet; the 2 galvanized tubs for rinsing and the HAND wringer washer. She probably thought that it was an improvement over the washboard. I've sure got it easy. I can be done, start to finish, in about 3 hours, with only about 1/2 hour of actual work involved.

I'm done complaining now.

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