Monday, October 4, 2010

Follow The Prophet

Saturday and Sunday were General Conference. I always look forward to Conference with anticipation and a little trepidation. The anticipation is for the good word that we always receive. The trepidation is because I know I'm going to be pricked in my heart about some things, and change is always hard. Isn't it easier to just be slothful and delight in fatness? But I know that being slothful and delighting in fatness is not going to keep my family intact in the eternities, and I really want my family to be together in the eternities. I really feel that the brethren are trying to let us know that the end is near, without coming right out and saying that the end is near. We have been exhorted and encouraged to live a consecrated life, keep the commandents and teach our children to do the same. We also heard messages about the importance of the Holy Ghost in our lives, and having and using him in our lives. If I had to sum up the entire General Conference experience in one sentence, it would be, "Dig in and keep keeping the commandments, and keep doing the basics we've been taught all our lives--prayer, scripture study, FHE and family time." That could probably describe every General Conference. Maybe someday we'll actually do it.

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