Friday, May 27, 2011

Sigh of Relief

I mentioned in this blog about 2 weeks ago that we'd been celebrating Tad's new job. What we didn't realize then was that it wasn't the actual hiring which had occurred. It was simply call backs for the actual hiring interview. Thursday, 19 May was an orientation meeting for those who had been called back and were still interested in being hired. We were. It was a very informative meeting, after which they did hold the actual hiring interviews. We felt very good about things to that point, and were told that final calls would be made beginning Monday, 23 May.

Well, Monday came and went. No phone call. Tuesday came and went. Still no call. Wednesday morning came, and Tad said that if he hadn't heard from anyone by noon, he was going to call the recruiter. Wednesday morning went, and Tad called the man. Ron told him that the calls were actually not being made until that very day, at which point a rather relieved Tad thanked him and hung up. Less that 10 minutes later, the phone rang, with the employment staffer on the other end. Tad was congratulated for his receiving his new job, informed that he had, truly, been hired, and was given a short list of things to begin doing in preparation for his training.

I'll be honest and say that by the end of Monday, I had lost faith. I had decided that if they hadn't called the first day, they weren't going to, and so I had changed the focus of my thoughts, prayers and actions. We were going to have to start the process completely over in job searches, and I was more than a little depressed. I received quite a lift in my spirits and a renewal of my faith and confidence with that phone call at 12:30 Wednesday.

There are lots of things that need to be done: physicals, drug testing, background checks, paperwork and lots of other things, but we've been getting them done and turned in. All things are due by Friday, 3 June, and they will be. The physical has been completed, the drug testing has been done, accounts have been opened and activated, paperwork has been filed and so now the only thing Tad has left to do is to study, and take his test for his CDL.

I have had such a feeling of peace that I know this is the job we are supposed to have. It's not going to be an easy job, for any of us. Tad will be gone 2 weeks out of three, and Hailey and I will be spending lots of time alone, but we are confident that we will be able to make a go of this job, and it will be a blessing for our family. We are go grateful for this job, for being able to meet our financial obligations, we feel truly blessed, cared for and so, again, I say, "Praise and Hallelujah"!

Sunday, May 22, 2011


I have no words. My mind, which has been going full bore all day, has just quit on me. I guess I'll just have to show the pictures and let them speak for themselves.

Bag pattern is "Charm Party Tote" by Penny Sturges, fabric is "Spring Fever" by Me and My Sister Designs for moda.

The purse is cute, too.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Gainfully Employed

It has been 36 hours of rejoicing and doing the happy dance at Chez Taylor, ever since we received the phone call yesterday saying that Tad had, indeed, been hired for his new job. He will be working in North Dakota in the oil fields for a company called Schlumberge. (sp?) Hallelujah and give thanks! It is as if a tangible weight has been lifted from our shoulders. We have an informational meeting with the company recruiter next Thursday, May 19 to receive all of our information and to have questions asked and answered. We know that this job is a result of many prayers and fastings by us, and on our behalf. We thank those friends and family members who have been praying for us to find this job. We know that prayers are answered. We know that Heavenly Father has been mindful of us, and watching out for us. We have seen his hand in this. We are loved. We are blessed. Hallelujah and amen.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Wonderful Weekend

Jessie and Todd brought Evie home this last weekend for her blessing, so we had a great time.  Todd and Jessie arrived Friday evening, and Todd's parents (Malin and Carole Jacobs) arrived Friday afternoon. We invited them all for dinner. Saturday we  spent just finishing preps for the weekend. I finished her dress Saturday evening by sewing the snaps onto the dress and slip straps. Sunday was the big day. We had 23 people at church with us and it was a lovely service. It was neat to hear so many testimonies from our group.
 4 Generation picture: Evangeline Rae Jacobs, her mother Jessica Noelle Taylor Jacobs, her grandfather Tad K Taylor and her great-grandmother Adessa LaPree Christensen Taylor

 4 Generation Picture: Evangeline Rae Jacobs, her mother Jessica Noelle Taylor Jacobs, her grandmother Annette Hillman Taylor and her great-grandmother Norma Kay Freeman Hillman

 Family Group Left to Right: Hailey Erin Taylor, Carter Scott Taylor, Annette Hillman Taylor, Tad K Taylor, Jessica Noelle Taylor Jacobs holding Evangeline Rae Jacobs, Todd Ryan Jacobs, Norma Kay Freeman Hillman and Derryll Trent Hillman

 Family Group Left to Right: Cheryl Hillman Esplin, Dallin Jay Esplin, Blair Jay Esplin, Hailey Erin Taylor, Carter Scott Taylor, Annette Hillman Taylor, Tad K Taylor, Jessica Noelle Taylor Jacobs holding Evangeline Rae Jacobs, Todd Ryan Jacobs, Derryll Trent Hillman, Norma Kay Freeman Hillman, Amy Rose Esplin and Carolyn Justine Esplin
 Jacobs Family Group Left to Right: Malin Jacobs, Carole Jacobs, Jessica Noelle Taylor Jacobs holding Evangeline Rae Jacobs, Todd Ryan Jacobs
Taylor Family Group Left to Right: Wendy Brubaker Taylor, Ronald Lawrence Taylor, Joshua Taylor,  Adessa LaPree Christensen Taylor, Carter Scott Taylor, Jessica Noelle Taylor Jacobs holding Evangeline Rae Jacobs, Todd Ryan Jacobs, Doug Bronson, Hailey Erin Taylor, Tad K Taylor, Annette Hillman Taylor, Tona Lee Taylor Bronson

There were 4 generations of family represented at church and the dinner after. The cast: Todd, Jessica and Evie Jacobs, Malin and Carole Jacobs, Tad and Annette Taylor, Hailey Taylor, Carter Scott Taylor, Ronald and Wendy Taylor, Joshua Taylor, LaPree Taylor, Doug and Tona Taylor Bronson, Derryll and Norma Hillman, Blair and Cheryl Esplin, Dallin Esplin and Ethan Esplin.

The menu: Roast turkey, baked ham, funeral potatoes, corn, green salad with dressing and cake with ice cream. We had just enough food for everyone. There was talking, laughing, sharing, hugging, and general good will.

Evie was the star of the show, and lived up to her billing. She is a little dolly who is learning to smile at her parents and grandparents. She is adorable and snuggly. We were able to have Jessie, Todd and Evie stay until Monday morning, so there was lots of time for holding, snuggling, feeding, snoozing (with) and admiring Evie. She and granddad had a couple of naps and she had lots of smiles for her Nonna and Auntie Hailey.