Yesterday was Christmas, and it was an absolutely lovely day. We rolled out of bed about 6:30 am and attacked the piles of goodies in and around the stockings. Santa was generous, as always. The kids and I got some lovely things, and we'll look forward to using them in the very near future--some of them are already well used and appreciated. Scott hasn't taken off the new headphones yet, and Hailey is looking forward to using her new DVD player. I have 1 more week before I can hang my new calendar, and the songbook will be fun to enjoy. All the smaller gifts and doo-dads have been oohed and ahhhed over and will be tucked away to use by this afternoon. I want to reclaim the living room, at least the seating portions. We are still anticipating our family Christmas gift exchange, so we still have our brightly lit Christmas tree with piles of presents beneath it. We still have our lights outside, until Tad, Jessie and Evie arrive. We'll have our family Christmas on January 4, so there is still excitement and anticipation.
After church yesterday, we drove down to Mom & Dad's, and had Christmas dinner with them. Lots of yummy food, mmmmm. Ham, baked potatoes, rolls, veggie plate, green bean casserole, acine di pepe salad, mmmmm. After dinner we talked and visited until Cheryl and her family arrived. We had a general gift exchange, and everyone seemed to appreciate what was given. Lovely things all around.
I remember, when I was a very small child, asking my mother what there was between Christmas and New Year's. She told me, "Nothing". Well, that's not the case for me now, as an adult. Now that Christmas is behind us, we have lots of busy days ahead. Life still goes on, even through the holidays, so there is house cleaning to do, cooking and menu plans to make, library books to return, basic shopping to do, sewing projects to start and finish. It feels a little like being in limbo, but with plenty to do to keep us occupied. I need to sew a bathrobe for Tad to take to the hospital, bibs for Evie to use while she's here, an apron for January. I've figured out sleeping arrangements for while Laura, Jessie and Evie are here, planned lunches and dinners to make sure everyone is fed, and I want to glean out some of our excess holiday decor. We've got WAAAYY more decor than we can actually use, and there's no point in keeping what we really don't need. That'll happen gradually over the next week, so that when we finally take down all the lights and decor on January 5, we won't have to store needless items.
We have a very nice family event which will be occurring on January 8. My sweetie will be receiving a priesthood advancement that day, to the office of High Priest. We will have family coming into town, and a family dinner planned for after church. That afternoon, we'll take Jessie and Evie to the airport, and then early, EARLY the next morning, January 9, Tad and I will drive to SLC to begin his preop tests and screenings for his surgery, which will take place January 10. He will have a 4-6 day hospital stay, and then will return home for a 6 week recovery. It is my understanding that the hospital offers rooming-in, so I'm planning to stay with him. That's a big thing, mentally and emotionally, so there is much planning to do, in conjunction with staying there with him. We're looking forward to this, though, because, as far as we understand, it will be the end of Tad's illness. It will be a long process, but will be the end. That is such a relief to us, both mentally and physically and emotionally. This has been a rough ride and we're looking forward to the end of it.
We have also received some other, very joyous news over the last few days and weeks. Our dear daughter and son in law have given us the happy news that we are going to be grands again, in July. We are very excited about this. Also, my dear little sister called yesterday with the news that her sweetie surprised her with a lovely diamond ring for Christmas, and they are engaged. That is so exciting, too. So many positive things to look forward to in the next year. By next Christmas there will be at least 2 new members of our extended family. Also, my next youngest sister has given us the delightful news that she and her husband and daughter are moving from Las Cruces, NM back home to Idaho. They will be moving in with our parents, to help take care of the place, and the parents. This causes much happiness and rejoicing. That puts 3 of us sisters within 15 miles of each other. Lots of opportunities for sister togetherness. We're already scheming about how to get little sister and her new husband closer to home, too.
So much good news, so much to look forward to, we are definitely feeling very blessed and watched over by a loving Father.