Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"There's So Much to Be Thankful For"

I just looked at the calendar and realized it's only been two weeks since my medical hullaballoo began. What a busy two weeks! I met with my new doctor on the 1st of November, and she was able to answer so many of the questions about my health that have plagued me for years. Some of the answers involved new medication, which I'm more than happy to have, and other answers involved surgery, which was scheduled for the next week, on the 9th of November. It's been a week since the surgery, and as with most major surgeries, it's going to be a long, slow recovery, but I'm feeling very good and am confident that my recuperation will be a successful one. I just need to remember to take things very slowly, not push myself to do too much, too soon and keep taking the meds.

We are coming up on the home stretch before Thanksgiving, and I'm so looking forward to having my whole family home for the holiday. Kids will start trickling in this Friday, and everyone will be here by next Tuesday night. We even get to have our niece, Laura Jean, spend the holiday with us, so we're just going to rope her into the mix. (The big advantage to having 6 other able-bodied people in the house will be that they'll all be a help and won't need to be waited upon hand and foot--they can wait on me!) We've also invited Mom and Dad to have dinner with us, so we'll have a whole pile of people around the dinner table.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I begin my list of things for which I am thankful--A beautiful, loving and supportive family; having the priesthood in my home; modern medical technology and doctors who know how to use it; ibuprofen; the opportunity to be a grandma--soon! There are, of course, many more things, but these head the list. I'll mention more in the posts to come.

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