Thursday, November 18, 2010

And the List Goes On...

I keep thinking of more things for which I am thankful. Today is a good day. I'm feeling well, and that is good. I take good health for granted, and when I'm feeling low, I try to remember to be thankful for a strong, healthy body. It's been reassuring to have undergone a whole slew of medical tests within the last two weeks and find out that the results have been overwhelmingly in the positive. Even a minor, temporary blip on a scan turned out to be nothing, which made my knees go weak with gratitude. I have realized that when our knees go weak and watery, it is to give us the opportunity to thank our loving Father for blessings small and large. So, high on my thankful list is strong healthy bodies for myself and my family members, large, medium, small and smallest.

I'm thankful for a home which houses and shelters my family. It's a small house, not at all pretentious, but it is ours (and the bank's, but they are so willing to share with us) and as our first, especially precious to me. It provides a place for those I love to gather and spend time and create memories.

I'm thankful for my husband's job. It gives him something to do everyday so that he can come home to me in the evenings. It provides us with our home, food, beds and clothing. It is a big blessing, especially in these uncertain times, and I'm glad for it.

My list is longer than this blog posting, and grows more every day, and I am thankful to have a long list of blessings. Grazie a Dio.

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