We returned to Tad's doctors last week so that he could have his follow up appointments. We visited with 3 different doctors in 3 different clinics, and got good reports from all of them. According to his pathology reports, genetic tests, surgical notes and every other bit of information in his charts, he is doing well, feeling great and is considered NED (No Evidence of Disease). The doctors are going to take a "watch and see" stance, and he will return every 3-6 months (depends on the doctors) for further tests and scans, but we fully expect that he's well. It is such a relief to us to have all the doctors of the same mind--"Go have a lovely life, check in with us periodically and we're happy you are doing so well". We've been so blessed, truly we've witnessed miracles. We even took Hailey with us for her last annual exam from her doctor, and he told her the same thing--She looks great, he doesn't need to see her again unless she has a problem, which we don't anticipate. It was a great trip, we came home feeling very good about life and our experience. It was a perfect opportunity to thank our Heavenly Father for his loving, watchful blessings.
We were even able to make the trip in a vehicle of our very own, for a change. It's not fancy, but we got a car last weekend. We had gotten our tax refund, and planned to put some money aside for when we had a chance to look for cars. Tad was running an errand last Saturday and came home to tell me that he'd found me a car. We stopped to look at it on the way home from the grocery store, called the lady's number in the window, and asked for a chance to drive it. It's really an old beater, as old as Hailey is, but it runs, and at this point, that's exactly what I need. There is always the plan to buy something a little newer and nicer in the future, but this has 4 wheels and seats and a steering wheel. I appreciate having the truck the last 9 months, but driving it in winter weather scares me, and so I am glad to have a car of my own.
Our baby girl is growing up! Here's proof--
She attended her first date dance last month, and she had the time of her life. Where do the years go? I can remember when she was the same size and age as Little Tiny, and now she's all grown up, wearing fancy dance dresses and dating boys! I am so proud of her!
I just realized that while I've mentioned making things for my mini tree, I don't think I've ever posted any pictures of it. It's just a baby sized Christmas Tree, but I've been decorating it with seasonal decor every month. I forgot to take pix and post them in December, January and February, but here is at least the decor for March, as well as my wreath, mentioned above. It's got green lights, shamrock garland, shamrock ornaments and gold coins. Isn't everyone a little bit Irish in March?
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