This is going to be a very quickly written blog entry. I'm trying to write more often, so of course, my blog entries are more sparse. Go figure. This is a busy day in a busy week. Tad left Saturday afternoon to return to Rock Springs. He will spend the next couple of days driving, and once he gets to 700 miles, he can take his CDL test. Today is the last day of summer vacation. Hailey starts school tomorrow. She is madly reading the last 6-7 chapters of "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Dumas. The school assigned a summer reading project for the entire sophomore class, with chapter summaries due on the first day of class. She's been working like a fiend trying to read the chapters and write the summaries. We've taken her shopping for school clothes and supplies, we've downloaded school bus route info and she's ready to go.
I'm trying to copy a pattern to make baby clothes, but ran out of paper, so I'll have to get some this afternoon. I also need to make 2 birthday cards as well as a thank you card, plus some cookies to go with the thank you card. We're going to the visitor's center for FHE this afternoon, and when we get home we will be making invitations for Hailey's birthday party so she can take them to school tomorrow to hand out to her friends.
I spent yesterday afternoon working on my "Scrapbook about Me" which is my personal progress project for the Individual Worth value. I'm 7 hours into it, and still have plenty to go, so I'll meet my time requirement.
Tomorrow I want to sew an apron I've had the fabric for, so that's probably what I'll do after I get Hailey out the door. My sister, Cheryl, will probably also call one of these days to go shopping. We've been jonesing to get the kids into school and the hay out of the fields so we can go. Depending on whichever day we go shopping I will also be doing 2 weeks worth of laundry and finishing the SB about me. There's a birthday to plan for this week in which my baby turns 16, and getting a jump on paying September's bills.
I know there's more, and I still have to take pix of all the projects I've done in the last month so I can blog them properly. Busy, Busy, Busy. I've determined that life just gets crazier once school starts. Crazy in a good way.
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