Monday, August 18, 2014

One Mo' 'Gain

We just got back to ND from another week in ID. It was a fun week, we celebrated my birthday and got lots done on the house, but I'm so TIRED of driving back and forth. We have one more trip scheduled, then we are staying put for a LONG time.

We had originally wanted to leave Sunday afternoon, after Tad finished work, but SLB has suddenly decided that Mondays must be worked, so we didn't get to leave until Monday morning. We arrived, finally, in Idaho Falls at about 9:00 pm. Hailey had worked hard to clean the house and make a birthday treat for me, so this is what we found when we arrived.

This is what it looked like on the inside--I loved it! So bright and happy and cheerful!
She is such a sweet girl. I love her and miss seeing her all the time.

I had a fun time on our Sister Birthday Lunch day on Thursday.

(I am NOT in  pain, I've just never taken a selfie before--my arms aren't long enough)

We did all the things we love to do--went to Porters, JoAnn, Michaels, Wood Connection and had lunch at Cafe Rio (my birthday--my pick). I do love my family and miss seeing them.

Tad got lots done on the house. He finished all the trim work on the bedroom and closet downstairs, and got all the sheetrock hung in the family room. We had the exterior of the house professionally painted, and it looks to nice! So crisp and fresh. We are glad we did that. We are slowly making progress towards being ready to sell the house. Now that the sheetrock is hung in the FR, we can tape and texture, then paint. After that, probably new carpet in parts of the house and more paint in the kitchen and upstairs bedroom will have us done with all the fix-its.

I've gotten lots of things done at the new house, too, not least of which was this
to hang on my craft room door. Tad helped me do a couple things yesterday, which made me feel much better about things. There are so many little "finishing" projects to do--never a lack, but I still don't feel "done" yet. I guess I need to give myself more credit. We are moved in and comfortable here.